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they elect a new presidant

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Q: What happened when Vietnam declared independence?
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When did Declaration of Independence of Vietnam happen?

Declaration of Independence of Vietnam happened in 1945.

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Israel declared independence and had war declared on it.

What group declared Vietnam's Independence after World War 2?

Viet Minh

Vietnam declared independence in 1940 hahahahaha?

Japan surrendered to the allies ending WW2 in 1945; Japan departed Vietnam the same year. Vietnam declared its independence from France in 1945. Vietnam was occupied by Japan during WW2, but it had been a French colony for more than a century prior.

What happened in the year 1976?

America declared it's independence from England by signing the Declaration of Independence

He declared Vietnam's independence from the French?

Bao Dai, the last Vietnamese emperor, in 1945, although the Communist Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnamese independence again at a later date.

Who did Ho Chi Minh quote when he declared Vietnam's independence?

He quoted from the Declaration of Independance (Thomas Jefferson).

What happened since independence in Vietnam?

Vietnam belongs to the communist side of the world now.

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It became a continent/country of its own!

What happened during the Revolution in 1776?

America declared independence from Great Britain

What happened shortly after Israel declared independence?

Seven Arab armies invaded.

How did Vietnam become French speaking?

because vietnam used to be in the french colony