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Germany surrendered and V-E Day (Victory in Europe) was declared

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Q: What happened in May 8 1945 during World War 2?
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What happened on May first during World War 2?

May 1st 1945 : Hamburg Radio announces that Hitler has died in battle, "fighting up to his last breath against Bolshevism ."

What happened on May 7 1945?

On May 7 1945, World War ll ended. Everyone got off work on May 8th because of the Hugh celebration .

What date did Germany decide to surrrender during world war 2?

7 May 1945

What day did Germany surrendered in1945 during world war 2?

May 1st 1945

What happened on the 8th may 1945?

Victory in Europa day

What does veday mean?

Victory in Europe day, it happened in May 1945

What date did the Third Reich surrender to the Allies?

May 8 1945, CET (for Russia it happened on the 9th due to differences in Time Zone).

What happened on may 14 1940?

One major event that happened on May 14, 1940 was that the Netherlands surrendered to the German forces during World War Two.

What famous events have happened on May 2?

The Germans in Italy surrendered on 2 May 1945.

What time was world war ll over?

May 1945 in Europe, September 1945 in the rest of the world.

When did the Cold War happened?

the cold war started im may 1945 and it ended in 1991

Where did world war 2 end first Europe or pacific?

The German forces fighting in Italy surrendered on 2 May 1945.All German forces surrendered on 8 May 1945.Japan surrendered after the atomic bombs were dropped during the first week of August, 1945.