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Fascist Dictatorship

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Q: What form of government did Germany have during world war 2?
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Germany's form of government in world war 2?

Germany had a socialist government with Hitler as a dictator. Thus it was a dictatorship.

What government did the major powers use in World War 2?

Germany was its own form of government and opposed communist and jews and blamed them for the economic fall of germany

What form of government was adopted in Italy Germany and the USSR after World War 1?

Italy and Germany established an authoritarian government. The USSR, though I'm not 100% positive, had a somewhat democratic government.

What form of government did the US have during world war 2?

A Democracy

What are the different branchs of government does Russia have?

Russia does not have a government. Since the fall of Nazi Germany during ww2 and the collapse of the Berlin wall, government has always come in a form of chaos in USSR.

What form of government controls Germany?

Germany is a federal parliamentary republic.

What is the form of government in germany?

Federal Republic.

What was the most popular form of communication by government to citizens during World War 1?

The most popular form of comms during WWI was threw telograph

What happened at Dunkirk during World War 2?

Germany push the French army and the British army back to Dunkirk. The British government sent different sizes of ships to pick up soldiers. Germany did kill ,many of the soldiers, instead Germany let them go. What's left behind is weapons form France and England. Germany has the victory.

The House of Burgesses is an example of which concept?

representative government It was the first form of democratic government in the new world, and happened in Virginia during 1619.

What was japan's form of government under the rule of general Tojo during World War 2?


How is the government ran in Germany?

Germany is run by a federal parliamentary constitutional republic form of government. The country has a president, a chancellor, and a legislature.