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they developed an extensive system of paved stone roads

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Q: What factor allowed the Incas to use their military efficiently?
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What was the main reason the incas built roads?

The main reason the Incas built roads was to facilitate communication, trade, and military conquest across their vast empire. The roads allowed for easier movement of goods, information, and troops between different regions.

How did the Incas win loyalty among conquered people?

the Incas allowed the conquered people keep their religious beliefs

What did the incas use to link the various tribes?

The Incas used a system of roads called the Inca road network to link the various tribes in their empire. These roads were highly advanced for their time and allowed for communication, trade, and military movement across their vast territory in the Andes Mountains.

How did the incas build an empire in a difficult environment?

The Incas built an empire by utilizing a variety of strategies such as a centralized government, efficient communication networks (like the Inca road system), agricultural innovations (like terraced farming), and strong military organization. They also assimilated local cultures and tribes into their empire through diplomacy and strategic alliances. These factors allowed the Incas to thrive and expand their empire in a challenging Andean environment.

What did the Incas build to increase farmland?

The Incas built agricultural terraces called "andenes" to increase farmland. These terraces were constructed on steep slopes to create flat surfaces for farming and prevent erosion. Additionally, the Incas utilized irrigation systems to efficiently water their crops and increase agricultural productivity.

What are the steep mountainside farms of the Incas called?

The steep mountainside farms of the Incas are called "terraces" or "terrace farming." These terraces helped the Inca civilization efficiently grow crops in the Andes Mountains by preventing erosion and maximizing agricultural space.

What helped to increase the loyalty of conquered peoples for the incas?

They allowed the conquered people to keep their religous beliefs.

What was a major agricultural advancement in the incas?

One major agricultural advancement of the Incas was the development of terraced farming on steep mountain slopes. This enabled them to cultivate crops at high altitudes where traditional farming methods would not have been possible. The Incas also utilized a sophisticated irrigation system to efficiently manage water resources for their crops.

10 similarities of the Mayas Incas Aztecs?

-they all had human sacrifices -they were all polytheist (worship more than one god) -the Incas and Aztecs survival depended on the military -they were excellent farmers

What advantages did the Spanish had over the Incas?

The Spanish had advantages such as superior weaponry including guns and armor, as well as horses which the Incas had never encountered before. The Spanish also had diseases like smallpox that the Incas were not immune to, causing devastating epidemics that weakened the Inca population. Additionally, the Spanish had a centralized government and military organization, while the Incas were a more decentralized empire.

Why did the Incas unite their empire?

The Incas mainly united their empire so that they could combine their industrial and military advancements. They were able to better accomplishments due to advanced roadways and a government headed by the Sapa Inca and the regional heads below them.

Who did the Incas interact with?

incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody