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Trafalgar was a naval battle during theNapoleonicera along the strait of the same name. The Spanish built the largest ship with 65 guns on it. It was a combined force of Spanish and french ships versus the English ships under admiral Nelson. Nelson was killed but he won the battle.

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Q: What events happened at the battle of trafalgar?
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When did Order of battle at the Battle of Trafalgar happen?

Order of battle at the Battle of Trafalgar happened in 1805.

When did Battle of Trafalgar happen?

Battle of Trafalgar happened on 1805-10-21.

What happened to Lord Nelson during the Battle of Trafalgar?

He was killed by a rifleman,

What was trafalgar square called before the battle of trafalgar?

Trafalgar Square didn't exist before the battle. It was built to commemorate Nelson's victory.

Was the battle of Trafalgar in Tudor time?

No, the battle of Trafalgar was in 1805, 200 years after the last Tudor monarch.

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There was no French Army destroyed at Trafalgar, it was a naval battle.

When did Trafalgar Campaign happen?

Trafalgar Campaign happened in 1805.

How many Brittish died in the Battle of Trafalgar?

1,700 British died in the battle of Trafalgar and maybe even more.

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The Battle of Trafalgar - 1911 was released on: USA: 22 September 1911

Which battle did British Admiral Horatio Nelson die in?

Admiral Horatio Nelson died on his flagship HMS Victory, at the Battle of Trafalgar on 21st October 1805.

Why was the square named Trafalgar Square?

It was named Trafalgar Square to commemorate the victory of the British Navy at the Battle of Trafalgar. It has a tall column on which stands a statue of Lord Horatio Nelson, who was killed during the battle.?

Who lost battle of trafalgar?
