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Trench foot is what you get when your feet have been exposed to long periods off wet,cold, and unsanitary conditions.If the infection was left to sit without medical attention for to long it could turn into gangrenous and have to be amputated. The remedy was for officers to change their socks at least 4 times a day and wear thigh high boots.

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Q: What effects did trench foot have on the body?
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What are some effects of trench foot?

swelling, rotting flesh, can get so bad you have to amputate it

How does trench foot affect the body?

Trench foot was a common ailment during World War I. It came from wearing shoes that were constantly wet. Trench foot would have been extremely painful until the feet went numb. After that, gangrene would set in.

Was trench foot a new disease in World War 1?

No, trench foot was first noted by Napoleon's army in 1812. It was made more well known during the trench warfares of World War I, but it was not new at that time.

What effects did trench foot have on body?

Trench foot is what you get when your feet have been exposed to long periods off wet,cold, and unsanitary conditions.If the infection was left to sit without medical attention for to long it could turn into gangrenous and have to be amputated. The remedy was for officers to change their socks at least 4 times a day and wear thigh high boots.

What effects did trench-foot have on the body?

Trench foot is what you get when your feet have been exposed to long periods off wet,cold, and unsanitary conditions.If the infection was left to sit without medical attention for to long it could turn into gangrenous and have to be amputated. The remedy was for officers to change their socks at least 4 times a day and wear thigh high boots.

What were the symptoms of trench foot?

Blisters and open sores are some of the symptoms of trench foot.

Disease in trench like trench foot?

Its because of the water basically making there foot mouldy

What was remedy for trench foot?

The remedy for severe trench foot would be amputation or staying out of the water

What is trench foot and how you can get it?

trench foot is bogies in the toenail and you get it by sitting on tha doilet to long you get me blad

Is trench foot a virus?

Immersion foot, or trench foot, is the blackening of the toes and the skin ,They vary in size and shape and are usually caused by a virus.

Did trench foot kill soldiers?

I think that the only reason trench foot can kill is if the soldier has their foot amputated and then during the process get an infection.

How many people died in each country from trench foot?

Nobody dies of trench foot. Trench foot is caused by walking around for days, in the mud, while wearing wet boots. Think of it as "super-athlete's foot".