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They got much more respect and were treateed more equally to men so they where able to get hard working jobs instead of staying in the kitchen being a house mom.............where they belong

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Lessie Jones

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Q: What effect did the end of World War 2 have on American women who worked in defense industries during World War?
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What effect did the end of world war 2 have on American women who worked in defense industries during the war?

They got much more respect and were treateed more equally to men so they where able to get hard working jobs instead of staying in the kitchen being a house mom.............where they belong

What effect did the end of the world war 2 have on American women who worked in defense industries during the war?

They got much more respect and were treateed more equally to men so they where able to get hard working jobs instead of staying in the kitchen being a house mom.............where they belong

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Universities expanded their science programs. This huge federal funding for research and development gave rise to new industries and technologies, many of which could be used in business and industry and also in new consumer goods. Space and defense-related industries sprang up in the Southern and Western states, which grew rapidly.

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Increased trade abroad made American industry more dependent on the rest of the world. (Apex)

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Increased trade abroad made American industry more dependent on the rest of the world, and meant that American jobs were more dependent on world events.

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It opened up new jobs for African Americans because of the shortage of white males fighting in WWII, therefore setting the stage for the Civil Rights movement, which occurred during the 1950's.

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only with a cards effect. during a normal battle, you can't just simply set it.

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One effect of the waterwheel was the increased mechanization of different industries such as milling, mining, and textile production. This led to greater efficiency in production processes and helped drive economic growth during the Industrial Revolution.

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Only a few basic industries in America in the 1920s controlled the wealth. This lack of diversification contributed to the decline of the economy because when these industries weakened and sales fell tremendously, there were not yet other industries that were advanced and developed enough to counteract the damages made by the decline of these industries like construction and automobile sales.

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Masters controlled the slaves during the American Revolution. Mostly the war was fought in the north then in the south. So the war didn't effect their living really.