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the name Maximilian is an old name that is not very common anymore some people think it means the greatest but it actually means the brave and independent one that's forreals yo.

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Q: What does the name Maximilian mean?
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What was the name of the man who Maximilian Kolbe saved?

Franciszek Gajowniczek

What was Napoleno's 3 parts of strategy?

Napoleon III, regarding Mexico, was as long as the American Civil war was underway he tried to help the conservative Mexicans, to impose by force an Imperial government which the figure head was Maximilian archduke of Austria, and brother to the Austrian Emperor, but when the Civil war was over he pulled out his troops, and Maximilian was shot in Queretaro, in June of 1867. Oh and anther thing these are the "M's Maximilian: 1.- The name of Maximilian: starts with an M 2- The country where he died, Mexico, with an M 3.- Maximilian left Miramar, where the treaties were signed to become Emperor 4.- The general that took him prisoner in Queretaro, Mariano Escobedo, his name starts with an M. 5.- One of his Generals that did not defend the place where the Emperor was Leonardo Marquez, his last name starts with an M 6.- Maximilien's army was defeated in May, who also starts with an M 7. Miguel López was the General that betrayed Maximilian, his first name also starts with an M 8. The attorney who accused Maximilian was named Manuel Azpiroz, his first name started with an M. 9.- The attorney that defended Maximilian his firs name starts with an M, Mariano Riva Palacio. 10.- The Secretary of Justice of President Juárez who signed the death sentence his last name was Mejía, also with an M. 11.- Maximilian died with two men whose names were related with the same letter, General Miguel Miramón, and General Mejía. 12. The army officer who gave the fireing squad the order to fire his last name was Montemayor, also with an M, who by the way was born in Monterrey. 13.- Maximilian was shot on a Tuesday in spanish the word is Martes, it starts with an M, THE LETTER M IS THE 13TH LETTER IN THE ALPHABET.

What does the name McCain mean?

it is just a stupied name

What does the name Hisser mean?

Hisser mean that they like to hiss people.It mean that they are ....

What does the name milca mean?

The name Milca is a hebrew name which means Queen.

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