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Q: What does the color blue stand for in a french flag?
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What are facts about the french flag?

the color is a tricolor. which means three color.

What flag has horizontally red then blue then green?

Italy's flag

How were the colors chosen for the confederate flag?

Red, white & blue, same as the Union, although the arrangement was different. The Confederate Navy used a flag similar in geometric design to the Texas state flag or the Union (USA) flag, while the diagonal cross of the Confederate Army "Stars & Bars" bore a slight resemblance to the British "Union Jack," but in color it was the same as the British flag and the Union "Stars & Stripes." * The "Stars & Bars" was intended as a battle flag, but it was never flown by a CSS warship, although the Confederate Army also used the same flag as the Confederate Navy. Since the war, the "Stars & Bars" has been the unofficial flag of the US South. * If the question refers to uniform instead of flag colors, gray is the color of the Confederacy, although some CSA regiments wore blue early in the war, and some USA regiments wore gray. After the first major engagement (First Manassas in the South, First Bull Run in the North), uniform colors were standardized as blue for Union and gray for Confederacy, although Texan soldiers of the Confederacy wore butternut uniforms, a light brown color. Red white and blue.

What does the color in the middle of the flag represent?

That depends on what flag your talking about dude.

What does the blue on the Canadian flag mean?

I'm sorry You must be mistaken, there isn't any blue on the Canadian Flag. Do you mean the blue colour on one of the provinces in Canada?

Related questions

What does the color blue symbolizes in the French flag?

The blue in the French flag symbolizes Saint Denis.

What does the blue in Frances flag stand for?

The blue on the French flag is said to be the color of the flag of one of the patron saints of Paris, Saint-Denis. What is sure is that blue and red were the colors of the flag of the town of Paris, when the French flag was officially created.

What continent does the blue stand for?

The color blue typically represents Europe on a map or flag.

What is the color of the French flag in order?

Blue, White, then Red

What color was the French flag in the 1800s?

Blue,white,and red Blue,white,and red

What color is the middle stripe of the French flag?

The middle stripe of the French flag is WHITE.

What color is the french flag?

The French flag consists of three vertical stripes of equal width in blue, white, and red, from left to right.

What does the color in the Haiti flag stand for?

the red stands for black haitions the blue stands for multtums

What color embodies French culture?

Blue is the color which embodies French culture.Specifically, blue is one of the colors in the French flag. Additionally, it is the color of the French national soccer team. In fact, the French team fondly is called Les Bleus ("The Blues").The pronunciation will be "ley bluh" in French.

What is the tricolor?

The French flag - tri-color - three colours. Blue, white and red, in that order.

What does the symbol on the French flag mean?

So, i'm french, and the colors of the French flag represent: - For the blue : It's the color of Paris - For the white : It's the color of the nobility at the time of the French Revolution - For the red : It's the color of revolutionaries Bye and I hope I didn't make mistakes (for translate) ;)

What does the red and blue stand for in the English flag?

There is no blue on the English flag