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Man of La Mancha is a musical based on one of the most famous books in world history, Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes, written around 1600. In the book, an elderly but vigorous man who is fond of stories about knights in shining armour imagines himself to be such a knight and goes riding around looking for adventure. In his insanity he has to imagine that the world is like the tales of knights and so on, even though it is quite prosaic and ordinary. One of the first examples of his craziness occurs when he sees a field full of windmills and imagines that they are a group of giants waving their arms. He attacks the windmill on his horse but is knocked off by one of the sails of the mill. He is then surprised to find that the giants have magically transformed themselves into windmills.

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For examples in wind turbines or wind mills.

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wind energy can be transformed into mechanical energy by wind mills .

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