"The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" is a short story by Ray Bradbury that focuses on the Civil War Battle of Shiloh, which took place in April 1862. The plot revolves around a young drummer boy named Joby who is part of the Union army. As the story unfolds, Joby is terrified and overwhelmed by the thought of battle and the responsibilities that come with being a drummer boy. He is worried about his safety and the impending battle's impact on him and his comrades. Read More: tinyurl .com/yc2a556z
that he is the heart of the army .... and if he beat slowly the army will fight calmly >>and if he beat harder he will give them Enthusiasm
Johnny Clem.
The main characters in "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" are Joby, the young drummer boy, and General Beauregard, the Confederate general. They symbolize the innocence and sacrifice of youth during wartime.
His name is Joby and do you know how he is charaterized in the story
Yes, General Creighton motivates Joby to keep his promise by reminding him of the importance of his role as a drummer boy and the impact of his duty on the soldiers' morale. General Creighton encourages Joby to be brave and fulfill his duty despite his fear and uncertainty.
The general who talked to the drummer boy in the book The Drummer Boy of Shiloh is only referred to as The General. The drummer boy is named Joby.
Joby is a static character in "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" because he does not undergo significant change or development throughout the story. He remains steadfast in his role as the drummer boy, showcasing bravery and determination from beginning to end.
He agrees to lead the men if the general dies.
"The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" is a short story by Ray Bradbury that focuses on the Civil War Battle of Shiloh, which took place in April 1862. The plot revolves around a young drummer boy named Joby who is part of the Union army. As the story unfolds, Joby is terrified and overwhelmed by the thought of battle and the responsibilities that come with being a drummer boy. He is worried about his safety and the impending battle's impact on him and his comrades. Read More: tinyurl .com/yc2a556z
that he is the heart of the army .... and if he beat slowly the army will fight calmly >>and if he beat harder he will give them Enthusiasm
"The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" is a short story by Ray Bradbury about a drummer boy preparing for battle during the Civil War. The story focuses on themes of duty, courage, and the nature of war. It ultimately conveys a message about the bravery and sacrifice of young soldiers in conflict.
The title of the story by Ray Bradbury about the Civil War is "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh." It follows a young drummer boy named Joby who reflects on his fears and responsibilities as he prepares to march into battle.