Hisser mean that they like to hiss people.It mean that they are ....
what does trench mean
it mean spiderman is dead
I am sorry there is no such word. If you mean ration, it means an amount of something.
Outliers pull the mean in the direction of the outlier.
Blokova (The lady in blue that have three fingers)
The blokova is the woman who took away Chaya's blue ribbons. She's also the woman who has missing fingers. she is a non Jew who has to watch over her group of zugangi. her fingers were cut off as a punishment by the Nazis (she was punished for escape attempts by prisoners)
Blokova had only three fingers due to a congenital condition called ectrodactyly, which is characterized by the absence of one or more digits on the hands or feet. This condition is typically caused by a genetic mutation affecting the development of the limbs during fetal growth.
Grandpa Will- old, has numbers on arms, & upset alot
Hannah stern Grandma Belle Aunt Rose Uncle Sam Elijah Aaron stern Aunt Eva Rivka Grandpa Will Wolfe Shifre Rachel Yente Esther Chaya Gitl Shmuel Fayge Rbbi Boruch Badchan Yitzchak Tzipporah Reuven Leye Blokova
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.
The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"
The haudensaunee mean irguios
Do you mean ''What does the AUM Mantra mean?''