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Anti-Submarine Warfare.

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Q: What does ASW patrol mean?
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How were aircraft used in world war 2?

The were used for reconnaissance bombing, ground support, ASW patrol, transportation, Air/Sea rescue, torpedo planes, Bomber/fighter interceptors and as fighters.

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Border Patrol

What does OSHP mean?

Ohio State Highway Patrol

What does THP mean on cars?

Tennessee Highway Patrol

What are the kinds of patrol?

the kinds of police patrol are foot patrol, horse patrol, scooter or motorcycle patrol, mobile car patrol, canine patrol, bicycle patol, marine(water) patrol - etc - etc.

What does PT boat mean in World War 2?

Patrol Torpedo Boat

What are the kind of police patrol?

the kinds of police patrol are foot patrol, horse patrol, scooter or motorcycle patrol, mobile car patrol, canine patrol, bicycle patol, marine(water) patrol - etc - etc.

What does ASW mean in relation to average circulated price of a coin?

"ASW" means "Actual Silver Weight", and refers to the weight of the silver (in troy ounces) in the coin. To get the "melt value" of a silver coin (that is, the value of the silver in the coin melted down, without regard to any numistmatic value the coin might have), you would multiply the ASW by the current value of a troy ounce of silver ($19.92 as of March 2, 2008). By the way, the concept of "AGW" and "APW" (for "Actual Gold Weight" and "Actual Platinum Weight", respectively) is exactly the same.

What is the ASW of a 1948 5 shilling south African coin?


What does Adam12 mean?

Adam is a two man patrol unit. The 12 is the unit number

Who is the nerdy guy on Paw Patrol?

You probably mean Cap'n Turbot, the marine biologist.

Word that means to walk someone as like a security?

You may mean to 'patrol' somewhere.