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they sneaked em from behind

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Q: What did the Army of the Potomac do after losing the battle of the wilderness?
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Union leader at the battle the wilderness?

Ulysses Grant was the commander of Union forces in the Wilderness with George G. Meade at the head of the Army of the Potomac.

Who attacked first in the battle of from the wilderness to cold harbor?

The Union Army of the Potomac, led by George Meade, according to the orders given by Gen. Grant.

Why didnt the army of potomac retreat after the battle of the wilderness?

ANSWER Because Grant decided to maintain the initiative towards Lee, breaking the contact and advancing southward in direction of Richmond. By so doing Grant outbalanced Lee, who succeeded, but for a hair's breadth, to intercept the army of Potomac at Spotsylvania.

Who was the union of the battle of Gettysburg?

The Union was the North at the Battle of Gettysburg. The Army of the Potomac was the army on the field.

Who started the Battle of Chancellorsville?

The US Army of Potomac.

Who was the victor at the battle of petersburg?

ANSWER The Union army of the Potomac was the victor at the battle of Petersburg.

Was General S Ulysses with the north during the battle of wilderness?

Yes. He was General-in-Chief of the Union, and travelled in a mobile HQ beside the Army of the Potomac, commanded by George Meade. They lost the Battle of the Wilderness, but Grant refused to retreat. He hung on to Lee's flank, and eventually cornered him at Petersburg.

Who fought at the Battle of Gettysburg?

The Union Army of the Potomac, and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.

Did the Union use canons at the Battle of Antietam?

Yes, in the Battle of Antietam, the Army of the Potomac had 300 cannons. This was more than the Army of Northern Virginia which had 221 cannons. Although the North had more artillery in the Battle of Antietam, the effective use Lee's artillery helped the South from losing their entire army at Antietam.

Who won at the battle of the wilderness?

grant won the battle, the union army

Battle in wcich General burnside and the Army of Potomac were defeated?

The ba

Who was the Union leader in the Gettysburg battle?

Meade commanded the Army of the Potomac.