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The D Day was the day when the marines invaded Normandy to defeat the Germans.

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Q: What did D-Day mean during World War 2?
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What are some battles during world war 2 including Normandy and d-day?

Stalingrad in soviet union Normandy/dday in France midway and iwojima in japan

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British Expeditionary Force.

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now do you mean after the cold war or during. if during it was from all the fear of nuclear attack

What was d-day and why does it play such a part in the allies fate?

D DAY was the day the allies went to recapture france the battle following Dieppe In World War 2 in comparisson to WW1 in a sense dieppe was like the battle of the sommes and dday was like the battle of vimy ridge. Dieppe was a failure and the lessons learned lead to the success of Dday. Dday played an important part in the allies fate because the allies recaptured france who had fell to russia only 6 weeks into war. this marked the last battle in europe in ww2.

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Definitely not- those two topics are completely unrelated. World War one does not mean anything- it was a huge war. Sportsmanship involves being polite during sports.

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It sounds to me as if you mean World War 2.

When did operation overload dday take place?

Operation Overlord, also known as D-Day, took place on June 6, 1944. It was the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II.

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no only during ww2

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I have no idea what that mean.....................?