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Q: What decided who would serve in World War 2?
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Related questions

Who decided what news would be announced in World War 2?

Neville Chamberlain decided to tell the world that the world was going to world with Germany.

Why did underaged people join the army in World War 1?

They saw it as a chance to serve their king and country and decided that it would be a good adventure. Also it was to prove to their families that they where men

How did Elvis Presley affect World War 2?

he didn't he would have to be very young to have done that. He did serve in the military, but not in World War 2

Why did the US decided not to get involved at world war 1 in 1914?

they thought it would rughin there reputition

Why did they in World War 1 shoot their own fingers off?

I would assume because they wanted to be sent home and not have to serve in the war.

Who decided Britain was at war in world war 2?

the prime minister

What president was the only president to serve in two wars?

Eisenhower was the only president to serve in both World War I & World War II.

Why did the US decided to enter world war?

the us decided to enter world war because they want the resources of france, and they want to keep on ruling france.

Where did J.R.R Tolkien serve in the world war?

World War One, northern France.

What was the U.S. policy toward the war?

Over the years, the U.S. has decided upon many policies they will follow during a war. For example, in World War II, the United States decided that they would stay out of it until their best interests were attacked.

Did us marines serve in europe during world war 2?

No, not as ground forces, although they did serve in France during World War 1. US Navy battleships and cruisers in the European Theater during World War 2 would have typically carried a small number of US Marines.

Did Liberace serve in world war 2?
