

Best Answer
  1. US
  2. USSR
  3. UK
  4. France
  5. China
  6. India
  7. Pakistan
  8. North Korea

It is believed that Israel & South Africa may have conducted one joint test at high altitude over the Atlantic, but this was never confirmed.

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Q: What countries conducted nuclear testing?
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Pacific group of islands where nuclear tests were held?

The French conducted nuclear testing in the Tuamotu islands, on the atoll of Mururoa. The US conducted nuclear testing on the atoll of Bikini in the Marchall islands.

How did Nuclear-Testing on Mororoa Atoll affect New Zealand?

The French conducted the nuclear testing in Moruroa Atoll. New Zealand was not happy about the decision to run the testing.?æ

Did the nuclear test ban treaty outlaw all nuclear testing?

Short answer: no. One of the treaties in the 1960's banned above ground testing and all countries (the US, Soviet Union, France, and China) have followed that ban. The US and the Soviet Union agreed, in a separate treaty, to stop underground testing in the 1970's and both have followed that treaty. Other countries, India and Pakistan and possibly North Korea, did not agree to ban all testing and have conducted underground nuclear testing in the last ten years.

What countries are trying to get nuclear weapons?

Syria is, in 2007 Israel conducted an air strike on what was thought to be a nuclear plant in construction.

Which two south Asian countries have conducted nuclear weapons tests?

India & Pakistan

Why was France so unpopular with many countries in mid-1995?

In short, France conducted a new round of nuclear testing.In detail: in June 1995, the French president agreed to and announced the last series of nuclear bomb tests, to be conducted in desertic atolls of the Pacific. Nuclear testing, especially atmospheric, was more and more contentious since the 'castle Bravo' US test in Bikini in 1954. The US strongly voiced their concerns at the time of the French experiments.France ended its nuclear testing and ratified the 1996 CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty) banning further nuclear testing. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty is still waiting to be ratified by six "nuclear" countries: China, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, and the US.To date, France has conducted a total of 210 tests, USSR has a total of 715, and the US carried a series of 1050 explosions.

Which two Asian countries have conducted nuclear weapons test?

At least four countries in Asia have conducted nuclear weapons tests. Even excluding Russia as being only partly Asian, that still leaves China, India, Pakistan and North Korea.

When did Nuclear tests occur in the pacific?

The first time nuclear testing was done in the Pacific was in 1946. Tests were conducted at the Marshall Islands, Bikini Atoll and a few other "nondescript" sites. Testing continued by the US in the Pacific up until 1962. France also conducted its own tests in French Polynesia, between 1966 and 1996.

The most recent nuclear weapon been made?

Hard to say. Many countries make nuclear weapons behind other countries backs. Some countries are not announcing when they complete testing or development for nuclear warheads, so the world may never know.

Why were nuclear weapons needed?

we did not need them we testing them at the time of (WW2) world war 2 which lead to further testing in nuclear weapons when the U.S. founded out they were so effective we did not plan for other countries to f9ind out about it so there for it is not our fault

Where do countries test nuclear bombs?

Countries conduct nuclear bomb tests in designated nuclear test sites. Some famous locations include the Nevada Test Site in the United States, the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan, and the Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site in North Korea. International treaties like the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty aim to prevent such testing.

What is the Limited Test Ban Treaty?

It banned nuclear testing above ground. 116 countries signed the treaty.