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In the early years of the civil war, the common soldiers on both sides would have dressed very similarly. They would have breeches and doublets made of woollen cloth, linen shirts, leather boots, and musketeers would have had leather tunics to protect their clothes from powder burns, while pikemen would have worn metal breastplates to protect them from pike wounds.

The officers on both sides would have worn more elaborate clothing as they were members of the upper classes,and might have had long hair, plumed hats, lace collars, and clothing made of more expensive fabrics like velvet and silk. Some parliamentary officers might have been more austere in their dress than royalist officers, but not all parliamentarians were Puritans, and some would have been just as dressy as the royalists.

After Cromwell and Fairfax created the New Model Army, they parliamentary army became distinctively different, with red uniforms (red continued to be the colour of the British Army uniform up until the Boer War).

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14y ago
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16y ago

Go to wikipedia. I was wondering the same thing and got a very extensive answer on wikipedia, here is the page: Hope this helps!

yeaah i lookeed at thaat paage it doeesn't do shiaat . thaank youu .

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15y ago

Hmmm, elegant dresses. I'm not sure, but type in your search engine 1600s, women, fashion and something will likely pop up. Try the images section.

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Q: What clothes did they wear in the English Civil War?
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What did soldiers wear in the English Civil War?

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Skirts and blouses or dresses.

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The musketeers in the English Civil War didn't really have a uniform. They wore powder in pouches over their chests but ordinary clothes otherwise.

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No English King was executed after the English Civil War. The execution of King Charles I occurred during the Civil War.

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