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Q: What branch of the us military had only 50 soldiers when ww1 broke out?
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Why would soldiers have to be sent home during World War 1?

Soldiers were not sent home on leave from the military in World War 1 such as they are today. Soldiers were only sent home if they were injured, were no longer needed, or if they had died.

Can US flag EMblem be worn on military uniform?

only if it is part of the uniform as in the American soldiers cammies or if the uniform allows for some personal choice such the flight suits of flgiht crews

What is the difference between the army and the militia?

Militia is a body of citizens enrolled for military service, called out for drill but serving full time only in emergencies. An army is a body of full time professional soldiers

What six branches of military service is the president commander in chief of?

Well, I must say that I only know of five branches of the U.S. military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard), but the President is commander-in-chief of all of them. If you include the National Guard as a branch of the military, then the President becomes commander-in-chief of them when they are called into federal service.

How many military participated in World War 1?

Some include France, England, Hungary, and Austria.I assume you mean how many men were in the military of the Allies and the Axis alliance (The Triple Entente which had included France, Britain, Russia, and the US who joins in 1917. The Triple Alliance contained Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary.)These are approximately the results in 1914;Germany had 2,000,000 soldiers, 97 warships.Austria-Hungary had 810,000 soldiers, 28 warships.Italy had 750,000 soldiers, 36 warships.France had 1,250,000 soldiers, 62 warships.Russia had 1,200,000 soldiers, and 30 warships.Lastly Great Britain had 711,000 soldiers and 185 warships.These only go for the year 1914, I am not sure about the end of the war but this is the closest.The US is not included because they do not join the Triple Entente until 1917.

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Which branch of the military only had 50 soldiers at the beginning of world war 2?

The Air Force .

What US military was a cops of only 50 soldiers when World War 1 broke out?

coast guard

What current branch of the US military was a corpsof only 50 soldiers?

The United States Marine Corps, with a standing force of about 200,000 today, traces its ancestry to the formation of the Continental Marines, which originally consisted of only 50 soldiers.

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The Legislative branch

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It is issued to military personnel only.

Which country have smallest military in the world?

vatican only 245 soldiers

Is marines the only branch of military that uses submarines?

The marines do not use submarines. Only the Navy does.

What branch of the military was Ernie Pyle in?

Pyle's only military service was in the US Navy Reserve for three months.

what weakness did delegates at the constitution convention see in the article of confederation?

The federal military was not able to provide for national security

Can the judicial branch send army out?

No. Only the president, as commander-in-chief, can deploy the military.

What impacts do gay people have on the military?

The only impact is that they increase the strength and numbers of U.S. Soldiers.

Life in Sparta was different from life in Athens because Sparta had?

Sparta had a major focus on military power and physical fitnessSparta had the best soldiers in the world dedicated to fightingAthens had soldiers only in times of war that were only temporary soldiers.