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Battle of Little Big Horn. The battlesite is a National Park today.

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Q: What batttle was the most overwhelming slaughter ever achieved by American Indians against the US army?
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What is true of the AIM occupation of wounded knee?

two american indians died

Why was the Battle of Wounded Knee important?

Wounded Knee was a slaughter of Sioux Indians who had agreed to go onto Reservation land. They were unarmed or in the process of turning over their weapons when the attack happened. There is speculation that a gun accidentally firing triggered it rather than malicious intent initiated it. Little Bird - a baby girl was the only survivor. Wounded Knee was brought to the attention of the American people by the book "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee". The details of this slaughter by the US Calvary must be taken in its complete picture of history. Stealing Native American lands was wrong but at the time deemed necessary by the US Government. Looking back sees no peaceful conclusion to the demise of Native Americans. The US would not be the country it is now if the American push west was hampered by the Native Americans.

What action represents a major change in US policy toward American Indians after the Civil War?

Relocation to distant territories

Which is true of the aim occupation of wounded knee?

It ended in arrests two people died

Did Adolf Hitler hate Native Americans?

Adolf Hitler in 1935 declared that Sioux Indians were of the Aryan race. Therefore, by extension, all American Indians where considered Aryans. In addition, many pro-Nazi organizations, such as the German-American Bund, sought out an alliance with American Indian organizations like the American Indian Federation. This was supposedly done under Hitlers command. So no, he did not hate Native Americans.

Related questions

What battle was the most overwhelming slaughter ever achieved by American Indians against the US?

Little Big Horn

What was the most overwhelming slaughter ever achieved by American Indians against US army?

That would have to be Little Big Horn battle back in June 1876, resulting in 220 U.S. soldiers being killed.

Which battle was the most overwhelming slaughter ever achieved by the American Indians against the US?

That would have to be Little Big Horn battle back in June 1876, resulting in 220 U.S. soldiers being killed.

What animals used by the Plains Indians did railroad crews slaughter for sport?

The American Bison

Which of the follwing historical documents is a primary source?

a history of the slaughter of american indians on the great plains as told by a native american who witnessed it first hand

What battle was the most overwhelming slaughter ever achieved by american indians against the united states army?

The Battle of Wabash, often called Harmer's Defeat was the most overwhelming slaughter ever achieved by American Indians against the US Army. General Harmer gathered together 1,460 regulars and militia with the goal of attacking the Miami tribe at what is now Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Miami got word of the attack, and fled carrying as many supplies as possible. General Harmer sent out scouts who ran across an Indian on horseback. The Indian, who was a decoy, fled down a small path. Harmer summoned his men, and were led to a marshy area where they could neither pursue or retreat easily. The 100 Miami slaughtered most of the militia.

US soldiers used machine guns to slaughter 200 Indians in what battle?

The battle of Wounded knee.

Did American Indians make beer?

Beer was made by American Indians

The U.S Bureau of Indians Affairs was formed to?

absorb American Indians into the mainstream American culture.

Who attempted to exterminate the American Indians?

While there were many groups of the time who were unfriendly to American Indians, Caucasians were attempting to exterminate American Indians. Many brutal acts were preformed on the Indians.

When was Society of American Indians created?

Society of American Indians was created in 1911.

Which Indians were allied with the British?

The Iroquois Indians The Iroquois Indians The Iroquois Indians