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The rifle was the main gun of the Infantry man so every major battle in WW 1 the rifle was used.

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Q: What battle in World War 1 was the rifle used in?
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Did they use a 30ot6 in war war to?

Yes they did! The standard US battle rifle was the M1, which was chambered in .30-06. In addition it was used by the Browning Automatic Rifle GPMG and some other weapons.

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Some of the equipment used in the Battle of Somme in World War 1 was tanks and airplanes. This was unique as it was the first time these weapons had been significantly used in the war.

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Was the term ANZAC first used in world war 2?

No- it was first used in 1915- World War I. See link below-

What weapon was first used in World War 1?

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No. Out of service in 1888.

Did world war 1 have tanks?

Yes, world war 1 had tanks. World War 1 was the introduction of battle-ready tanks used in war.