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It is a Court Martial offense in the military, and would result in discharge under less then honorable conditions as a minimum. It could also result in a considerable jail term. While the above response is essentially true, there are some other important details to be discussed. First, courts martial for desertion are rare, as demonstrating that a service member has left the military with either a) the intent of never returning or b) the intent of shirking hazardous duty is challenging. In the recent wars, only those folks who have fled the country for Canada and have subsequently been deported to the US have been tried for desertion. That said, courts martials are generally avoided and discharges for AWOL/UA under Other Than Honorable (OTH) conditions are fairly common. But again, this depends on the branch of the service and how long the member has been absent.

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Possible Side Effects was created in 2006-05.

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they dont discriminate between war or peace desertion. Policy was made by britishers and stays in effect... one of the top Officer says Airman can commit suicide but desertion is intolerable... I think on the name of discipline its too much, if desertion happens during war yes there has to be strict consequences but peace desertion should be treated with humanity.

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