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Protectorates are autonomous countries or regions that are placed under the protection (military and political) of another State. Usually that State in return acquires a lot of influence on the way in which that country is being run. The difference with a colony is, that a colony is officially ruled by the other State, while a protectorate retains its autonomous status and is run by its own governing bodies, the officials of the protecting State only acting as 'advisers' .

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How many states are there in union?

This question is catagorized as a history question and under the Civil War. During the American Civil War their were a total of 25 states in the Union, and five border states (a state that had both Union and Confederate state governments claiming power). The confederats had a totla of 11 states. Today, there are a total of 50 states in the Union.

How did World War I end up in the middle east?

World War 1 did not "end up" in the Middle East. World War 1 had five major fronts where combat occurred on land. Although the Western Front was the most famous in the American and French psyches, it is certainly not the only front. There was the Italian Front, the Eastern Front, the Gallipoli Front and the Middle Eastern Theatre. The British fought the Ottoman Empire in the Egypt-Israel area. The British thought that if they could pull Ottoman attention away from the Bosporus that the would be able to enter Istanbul and defeat the Ottoman Empire. The plan did not have that intended goal because the Gallipoli front became a collosal failure, but it did have the benefit of giving Britain the political capital to take much of the Middle East as Mandates and Protectorates.

Why were all Germany's colonies given to other countries after World War I?

Britain and France had seized most of them in World War 1 and wanted to keep them. The victorious allies were keen to keep Germany weak after the devastation that had been caused in the "war to end all wars" and so Germany's overseas empire was confiscated. They were not keen on Germany being a world power, either. The League of Nations (an early version of the UN), newly created and led by France and Britain, decided to split the German colonies between France and Britain, but they would not be classed as parts of their empire, instead they would be "protectorates". The plan was for France and Britain to oversee and protect these territories while they built up their own government, the two empires could then make them fully independent. As it turned out however this did not happen and the territories virtually became part of the British and French empires.

Countries Britain has been at war with?

In my view every single country in the world apart from the following: Burundi,Cape Verde,Dominican Republic,French Southern Territories,Guinea-Bissau Macedonia,Northern Mariana Islands,Sao Tome And Principe,United States Minor Outlying Islands,Western Sahara. This is an indirect answer however, since this does take into account the following: 1) previous sovereignty by third parties of land now sovereign itself. 2)attempted seizures 3)established bases 4)engagements within territories against third parties. 5)wars of independence against third parties backed by the government. 6)dominions, condominiums, colonies, mandates, occupations,invasions,civil wars,conflicts,dependencies,discovery naming and exploration,raids,indirect invasion by association, low intensity war,NATO actions,protectorates, peacekeeping,declarations of war,territories,gunboat diplomacy.Revolutionary support acts, militarily aided humanitarian aid,rescue missions and claims. 7)arguable incidences of informal empire by preference of trade, investment, property and industry backed by military assistance or threat. 8)Major incidents not resulting in war but with diplomatic victory. 9)Territories by association. The reason I have listed all of these is that native populations,lands, third parties, sovereignty or economies have all at one time or another been directly or indirectly affected by these "actions". Perhaps this is not a very good answer but there we are.

How many countries had been in war with England?

In my view every single country in the world apart from the following: Burundi,Cape Verde,Dominican Republic,French Southern Territories,Guinea-Bissau Macedonia,Northern Mariana Islands,Sao Tome And Principe,United States Minor Outlying Islands,Western Sahara. This is an indirect answer however, since this does take into account the following: 1) previous sovereignty by third parties of land now sovereign itself. 2)attempted seizures 3)established bases 4)engagements within territories against third parties. 5)wars of independence against third parties backed by the government. 6)dominions, condominiums, colonies, mandates, occupations,invasions,civil wars,conflicts,dependencies,discovery naming and exploration,raids,indirect invasion by association, low intensity war,NATO actions,protectorates, peacekeeping,declarations of war,territories,gunboat diplomacy.Revolutionary support acts, militarily aided humanitarian aid,rescue missions and claims. 7)arguable incidences of informal empire by preference of trade, investment, property and industry backed by military assistance or threat. 8)Major incidents not resulting in war but with diplomatic victory. 9)Territories by association. 10) wars as England prior to 1707. The reason I have listed all of these is that native populations,lands, third parties, sovereignty or economies have all at one time or another been directly or indirectly affected by these "actions". Perhaps this is not a very good answer but there we are.