Major General William T. Sherman was a leader fighting for the North or Union side.
William T. Sherman
* The Department of South Carolina was commanded by General William J. Hardee. * Major General Joseph Wheeler commanded the CSA Cavalry Corps. * Major General Gustavus Smith commanded the Georgia Militia.
William T. Sherman in Georgia and South Carolina. Phil Sheridan had also been doing something like this in the Shenandoah Valley - on the orders of U.S. Grant.
After the crushing defeat of Georgia and South Carolina and the hands of Sherman, the south had a big decrease in morale. ChaCha!
William T. Sherman. And then he went on and did the same in South Carolina.
Georgia - and then the same in South Carolina
The city of Columbia , South Carolina surrendered to Gen. William T. Sherman February 17, 1865 leaving the city open to Union forces to freely enter into the city .
Storm Eastvold
William Tecumseh Sherman
Sherman's path was a kind of "scorched earth" policy, as whatever the Union armies did need for their own use was destroyed. During the siege, a fire destroyed 2/3 of Columbia, South Carolina. Sherman had all of the remaining public buildings destroyed as well.
General William Sherman's march through South Carolina
William Tecumseh Sherman
North Carolina was invaded from the South by Union Army General William Tecumseh Sherman in February of 1865.
He carried out punitive raids on civilians in Georgia and South Carolina, whose capital, Columbia, was burned down, allegedly on purpose.
Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina.
shermans a douche.