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C.S.S. Virginia- formerly the Merrimac.

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Q: What Confederate navy ship fought against the USS Monitor?
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What confederate navy ship fought against the monitor?

C.S.S. Virginia

What was the name of the ironclads in the Confederate Navy?

merrimack monitor

Monitor Civil War?

The Monitor (US Civil War 1861-1865) was a steel built US Navy vessel, armed with twin 11" guns in it's one turret. It was used for Riverine Warfare against the CSN (Confederate States Navy), and fought the CSN Merrimac to a draw during the war. The Vietnam War (1961-1975) Monitor was also a US Navy monitor used for Riverine Warfare, and was armed with either a single 40mm cannon or 105mm howitzer in it's lone turret.

How did the union ship monitor and the confederate ship change the navy's around the world?


When was the battle of Merrimac v monitor fought?

The battle of Monitor vs. Merrimack (renamed the CSS Virginia) was fought on the 8th and 9th of March in the year 1862 in Hampton Roads, Virginia The Monitor did not arrive in time for the first day of the battle.

The monitor defeated the merrimac at Hampton roads in the wars first naval battle?

The USS Monitor and the USS Merrimac were both vessels in the US Navy. They did not fight. The Merrimac was sunk at the beginning of the war. The Confederate Navy took the remains of the Merrimac and used it to create the Ironclad CSS Virginia. The USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia fought a battle near Hampton Roads Virginia.

Was the uss monitor on the unions side?

Yes. That's why it was called 'USS'. Ships of the Confederate Navy were 'CSS'.

Which warship was to be used as retaliation against Union forces?

Navy of the Confederate States

What two ironclad vessels were in the civil war?

There were several dozen, maybe twice as many in the Union Navy as in the Confederate. But the two most famous were among the very first, and fought each other in 1862, revolutionizing naval warfare for all nations. This is remembered as the Monitor versus the Merrimac. The USS Monitor was the northern ship, and the other was the CSS Virginia. The Virginia was built on the remains of the old USS Merrimac, a ship burned by the Union Navy when they had to abandon the Norfolk Navy Yard. But Monitor versus Merrimac sounds better than Monitor versus Virginia, so that's how newspapers reported it.

When was Confederate States Navy created?

Confederate States Navy was created in 1861.

Who were the generals of the monitor and merrimack?

The commanders of these two ironclads were actually lieutenant's. Lieutenant John Worden, US Navy, commanded the Monitor. The Confederate Merrimack was a captured and refurbished Union ship that was christened the CSS Virginia. She was commanded by Lieutenant Catesby Jones. Lieutenant Jones had just taken command of the Merrimack after the wounding of his commander, Commodore Franklin Buchanan on March 8, 1862.

Who was captain of the merrimack?

Franklin Buchanan was the commander of the CSS Virginia, which is the Merrimack after it was raised by the Confederate Navy, and outfitted as an ironclad. He fought against his brother Lt. Com. J. McKean Buchanan, who was the commander of the Federal warship Congress.