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The second amendment

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Q: What Amendment discussed the need for a well-regulated militia?
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What is the militia now called?

In the United States, the militia (referred to in the 2nd Amendment) is called the National Guard. It is under the command of state governors and can be activated by the US president for active duty in times of need.

What do you believe the 2nd amendment address a well armed militia meaning the national guard or the right that every citizen has the right to bear arms?

First, you need to define "militia". The Militia is the body of adult citizens that are NOT part of the Armed Forces (National Guard is part of the Armed Forces). Please note that when the 2nd Amendment was written, there WAS no National Guard.

Does the second amendment protect the right to carry a weapon?

Technically, no. It allows our Militia have weapons, but back then our Founding Fathers thought citizens need it to back away Indians or animals. Not thinking of the dangers we have today.

What was discussed when it came to government?

To answer a question we need a who, where, when, why, or how. You need to give us a who and when.

Advantages of a agenda?

they remind you of things that need to be discussed in a meeting the information will be wrote down on a sheet and it will be discussed in the meeting.

What two rights are guaranteed by the second amendment?

1. The second amendment guarantees the right of every citizens to own and carry weapons. 2.The second amendment talks about the fact that the government should not interfere with the population owning guns in case the government gets too powerful, and the people need to create a militia. The framers of the constitution had just came out of a world where a king ruled, and they wanted to prevent the government that they created from getting like that. They purposely created a weaker government, i.e. the two houses of congress to prevent a president from becoming a king.

Citizens that act as soldiers in a time of need?

They are sometimes called Militiamen or Militia.

What was a result of the Th amendment to the U'S Constitution?

To answer we need the amendment number you are asking about.

Which amendment says you do not need to say anything to incriminate yourself?

The Fifth Amendment == The Fifth Amendment which the Fourteenth Amendment makes applicable to State and local governments.

Why can Americans own guns?

Americans can own guns per the 2nd amendment on the Bill of Rights.Though there are several versions and interpretations of the text, it basically says that it is "the right of the People to keep and bear arms and shall not be infringed."It was made an amendment because the common people need a form of self-defense when a well regulated militia (the police) cannot always be everywhere at once and at every second of the day.

What amendment to the U S Constitution addressed this concern and what does the government need before it can search your home?

The Fourth Amendment , which states: , papers, and

What states did the banks and creditors control the government?

To answer a question we need a who, where, what, when, where, and how. Your question leaves out who.