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Thousands of factories in Britain and Europe were destroyed in WW2.

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Q: Were any factories destroyed in World War 2?
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Where there toys factories during World War 2?

NO. Any and all factories were geared for war production.

Was there any munition factories in Belfast in World War 2?

Yes. James mackie & sons.

Did any factories get bombed in world war 2?

yes many did and many people died

Did any women die in the factories in World War 2?

A few but jobs were very safe place to work

Cities and countries destroyed in World War 1?

There were no French cities destroy, but there were nine villages destroyed. Three of which have been rebuilt and the other six have been preserved. Germany also didn't have any real cities destroyed from fighting.There were no real countries destroyed,instead they were separated into individual ruling countries.For more specific information on World War I, see: world-war-i

How many German cities were destroyed during World War 1?

Germany never really had any cities destroyed in Word War I. All of the major fighting and destruction was on the Western front of Belgium and northern France. On the other hand, during World War II, every major city was destroyed.

How did World War 2 affect national socialism?

National Socialism is the full term for Nazism (Nationalsozialismus),and thus the defeat of the Nazis at the end of World War 2 destroyed it in any real sense.

Where are Burberry handbags made?

Burberry has factories throughout the world that make their products. Handbags in particular could be made at any one of those numerous factories in the world.

Were there any factories creating war supplies in Colorado during World War 2?

Most Likely. Throughout World War II many American factories changed from making whatever to making armaments for the war. There was a huge increase in factories making armaments because of having to supply U.S. troops as well as others such as the U.K. and other allied nations. The allies in Europe were poor and right in the battle feild so the U.S. gave money weapons and men. I would say there was definatly a factory in every state makeing weapons at leats one in each anyway.

What was the schored earth policy?

It is a term used that describes a military policy where everything (houses, factories, food, etc..) is destroyed so the enemy can not use any resources.

Why did Russia get involed in World War 2?

because the Nazis were bloodthirsty and wanted to take their land, they destroyed villages, and brutally killed any survivors, they fought back, for their people.

Would world war 3 use nuclear weapons?

yes I think they would because think about it would probably be one of the reasons why the earth would be destroyed Considering that we don't know how, when or if a third world war will occur, any answer would be entirely conjectural