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Correct! The cold war was fought between Russia and the U.S.A.. It was a non-violent war.

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Q: Was the cold war non violent?
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What was a non violent competition between the US and the USSR in the Cold War?

A non violent competition was the Space Race.

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The Cold War was known as the Cold War because there was no guns or violent just the USA and Soviet Union trying to be the first to do stuff in space.

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Cold, Brutal, Bitter, Violent, Dangerous

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Generally non violent.

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A non violent offender is someone who commit a crime, but was not violent in doing so. A non violent offender. Non violent offender are called such due to all different circumstances.

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The cold war was NOT declared. The cold war was not a war. The cold war was simply a name given to "a non-shooting" military stand off between the communist world and the free world.

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Malcolm X use NON - Violent! But some of his supporters did get violent.

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What is a non-violent felonies?

Non violent felonies are crimes that do not involve force, a weapon, or violence. For example: embezzlement is a non violent felony. You took someone's money but did not by writing a check while you worked for him or as his broker. Dealing drugs is a non violent felony. Smuggling is a non violent felony.