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Q: Was the Warsaw pact during the cold war?
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What were the alliances during the cold war?

Nato and The Warsaw Pact.

What was the soviet unions defensive alliance during the cold war known as?

Warsaw pact

Is the Warsaw pact not supported by the US?

Quite the opposite. The Warsaw Pact was an agreement among the Soviet Union and 7 of the Soviet satellite states during the Cold War.

Who used the most tanks during the Cold War?

The Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact nations.

Was iceland a member of NATO or the Warsaw Pact during the cold war?

Ireland is not a member of NATO

What were the two military alliances created during the cold war?

well the answer to the ? is the warsaw pact and NATO.

What are the alliances for cold war?

NATO and Warsaw Pact

Who was affiliated with who during the cold war?

US/NATO vs USSR/Red China/Warsaw Pact

What was NATO for during the cold war?

To counter the Soviet's Warsaw Pact forces in Europe. WP was their NATO.

Was Greece a member of NATO or the Warsaw Pact during the cold war?

In 1952 Greece joined NATO

What side did NATO and the Warsaw Pact represent durin the cold war?

US/NATO vs USSR/Warsaw Pact.

Does the Warsaw Pact still exist today?

No. Its Western counterpart NATO survived the Cold War, but the Warsaw Pact disbanded in 1991.