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In WW 2, Germany declared war on the US.

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Q: Was it impossible for the United states to avoid war with Germany?
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Why did Americas first committee believe that the United States should avoid war with Germany?

Charles Lindbergh believed that the real threats to America were the Soviet Union and Japan who were aligned with Germany.

Which treaty was made to avoid war between Britain and the United States?

The Oregon Treaty was made to avoid war between Britain and the United States.

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avoid having the united states and european nations join against it APEX :)

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They wanted the united states to avoid interfering in world politics

In what way did the United Kingdom France and the Soviet Union deal with Germany similarly in the years before World War 2?

They tried to avoid war with Germany by agreeing to some of its demands .

Interventionists claimed that the US could avoid war if it .?

Interventionists claimed that the United States could avoid war if it sent aid to Britain.

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The United States and Britain and France made certain Germany (and Japan) were set up as democracies. They also joined with the Allies and other countries to form the United Nations to prevent future world wars. They de-nazified Germany and started teaching the Germans what Hitler did wrong and what was the right way to be.

Why did many American oppose U.S. Participation in world war 2?

Nova Net Review Test Answer: They wanted the United States to avoid interfering in world politics.

In what way the united kingdom France and the Soviet union deal with Germany similarly in the years before world war 2?

They tried to avoid war with Germany by agreeing to some of its demands .

What way did the united kingdom France and the soviet union deal with Germany similarly in the years before world war 2?

They tried to avoid war with Germany by agreeing to some of its demands .

What did interventionists claim the US could do to avoid war?

Interventionists claimed that the United States could avoid war if it refused aid to any nation at war.

What was a goal of great Britain at the end of war?

Avoid having the United States and European nations join against it.