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Q: Was battle was north west of Hawaii in World War 2?
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What battle North west of Hawaii was the turning part of World War 2?

In the Pacific Theater of Operations the turning point in favor of the Allied forces came during the Battle of the Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway in mid 1942. After the Battle of Midway the US Navy and its allies (Australia in particular) were able to launch a counter offensive against the Japanese Navy and Army. See link below. Now I should tell you the turning point of the Pacific war were South West of Hawaii. The battles north west of Hawaii were in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands but those battles were not the turning points of the Pacific war. I have added links about Alaska for you too.

Where is Hawaii's region in the world?

Hawaii is located in the central Pacific Ocean, far from the North American Continent.

Is Fiji north or south of Hawaii?

Fiji is south-west of Hawaii

Where is Hawaii located south north east west?

South, North, East or West of what? Hawaii is located west of the main part of the United States. it is East of Japan.

When was The Battle of North West Six created?

The Battle of North West Six was created in 1969.

Which country is west of Alaska?

Alaska may be far north of Hawaii, but it is still West of Hawaii. The Islands stretch off of Alaska and reach Russia, making it farther west than Hawaii.

Where is 22 degrees north and 155 degrees west?


What states are North South East and West of HI?

-- The only state directly north of Hawaii is Alaska. -- The only state directly south of Hawaii is also Alaska. -- The state directly east of Hawaii is the state of Nayarit in Mexico. To reach one in the US, you have to go a little north of east. Then the first one you hit is California. -- The state directly west of Hawaii is the province of Guangdong in China. To reach one in the US, you have to go slightly north of east. Then you can hit Florida.

Which state is farthest west North Carolina or West Virginia or Kentucky?

Kentucky is the farthest west.

What is 21 degrees north and 158 degrees west?

Honolulu, Hawaii is located at 21 degrees north and 158 degrees west.

What is the opposite side of the world to Sydney?

It is an area in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean, around 3200 km West of Los Angeles and roughly North North East of Hawaii: essentially thousands of kilometres from anywhere!It is a point in the Atlantic South of the Azores and West of Madeira.

Which of the 50 states is futhest west?

Judging by longitude, Alaska is further west. If it were any further west, it would start to cross the 180 degree line. However, if you flew to Alaska or Hawaii from California, you'd have to go much further west to get to Hawaii. This anamoly is because the world is round and Hawaii is much further south than Alaska, which is almost at the North Pole.