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The war began when the Austrian-Hungarian rulers (House of Hapsburg) refused to let the Serbians and Bosnia have their independence. The Serbs and Bosnians plotted to kill a leader of the Hapsburg House Rulers. One of the Serbians managed to take advantage of an unexpected moment to kill the Archduke of Austria. This caused the Austrian rulers to send armed forces to go after the rebel plotters and to teach the Serbians a lesson. The Serbs and Bosnians (both lived around each other) battled the Austrians on their own land without success.

The Austrians asked their allies (more like relatives who were rulers, i.e. The Kaiser) to help them in the war. Believe it or not the Germans failed to check out the facts. They never knew the Austrians were referring to the Baltic Nations to fight when they agreed to go to war. The Germans then declared war and attacked in France first.

That war was very convoluted with issues, nations, reasons for fighting and places where the war was fought. It was a literal world war. The war was conducting in so many nations and involved so many people groups and nations it was difficult to end the war and come to a peaceful ending.

The Serbians never got their issues resolved either after all was said and done. Once the Kaiser had learned about the Balkan nations and the conflicts he regretted having gone to war in the first place. By then it was too late.

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The Germans signed the Armistice before the complete collapse, which was imminent, and thus before the Allied troops got into Germany. On the Western Front almost the entire war was fought in northern France and Belgium. There was a tiny slice of Germany, south of Verdun, where French troops attacking in the first weeks of the war captured a little piece of Germany and held it, and there the trench lines ran for a few miles through German territory.

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Belgium and France.

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Q: Who first invaded who in WW1?
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