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When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, many agree that this was the beginning of WWII, however Japan had been at war in China for over a year in 1939.

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Q: WHATHitler's invasion of which country sparked the official beginning of World War 2?
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What was the cause for the beginning of World War 2?

That depends on which country. Germany, France, Poland and Britain entered the war when Germany invaded Poland. Germany at the time included Austria and Czechoslovakia. Belgium, the Balkans and Russia entered upon German invasion at different times. Italy came in during Germany's assault on France. Japan and the United States both joined the war after Pearl Harbor The official beginning of the entire conflict was the invasion of Poland.

World war 2 started when invaders entered which European country?

The "official" beginning to World War Two was when Germany invaded Poland, however, a very large and important theater had already been open for three years, as Japan had launched a general invasion of China in 1936.

When did the Romans invaid Britain and Egypt?

The official date for the Roman invasion of Britain is 43 AD although a Roman presence had been in Britain long before 43. The Romans invaded Egypt in 30 BC when Octavian entered the country and took possession of it.The official date for the Roman invasion of Britain is 43 AD although a Roman presence had been in Britain long before 43. The Romans invaded Egypt in 30 BC when Octavian entered the country and took possession of it.The official date for the Roman invasion of Britain is 43 AD although a Roman presence had been in Britain long before 43. The Romans invaded Egypt in 30 BC when Octavian entered the country and took possession of it.The official date for the Roman invasion of Britain is 43 AD although a Roman presence had been in Britain long before 43. The Romans invaded Egypt in 30 BC when Octavian entered the country and took possession of it.The official date for the Roman invasion of Britain is 43 AD although a Roman presence had been in Britain long before 43. The Romans invaded Egypt in 30 BC when Octavian entered the country and took possession of it.The official date for the Roman invasion of Britain is 43 AD although a Roman presence had been in Britain long before 43. The Romans invaded Egypt in 30 BC when Octavian entered the country and took possession of it.The official date for the Roman invasion of Britain is 43 AD although a Roman presence had been in Britain long before 43. The Romans invaded Egypt in 30 BC when Octavian entered the country and took possession of it.The official date for the Roman invasion of Britain is 43 AD although a Roman presence had been in Britain long before 43. The Romans invaded Egypt in 30 BC when Octavian entered the country and took possession of it.The official date for the Roman invasion of Britain is 43 AD although a Roman presence had been in Britain long before 43. The Romans invaded Egypt in 30 BC when Octavian entered the country and took possession of it.

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Operation Overlord. The largest amphibious operation in history.

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Is there a country name beginning with A but not ending in A?

The country name that beginning with 'A' but not ending in 'A' is Azerbaijan

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Which country has code beginning with 1210?

The country with the telephone code beginning with 1210 is Afghanistan.

Why were the British able to the German invasion of their country?


What part of speech is invasion?

"Invasion" is a noun. It refers to an instance of one country, group, or person entering another country, area, or sphere of activity with hostile intent or unwanted presence.

What neutral country did Germany invade to trigger Canada's involvement?

In the past the Germans have invaded many countries, but the neutral country invasion that angered Americans most was the invasion of Belgium.