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an increase in compulsory school-attendance laws

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Q: The post-Civil War era witnessed
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What is a likely prediction to make about the US in the postCivil War period?


Which war witnessed the Holocaust?

World War 2.

What is the site that witnessed the end of the Revolutionary war?


What was the era in which King George v reigned?

Late Edwardian era, the First World War era, and the Inter-war era.

Why do you call the era World War 2 the Cold war?

Do you mean, "Why was the era AFTER world war 2 called the cold war?" Because no one calls the era of WW2 the cold war.

What was the era after the war called?

Reconstruction Era

Which world war was so deadly?

world war 2 was the most violent war the world has ever witnessed world war 2 was so deadly

What era was the 1910s?

Edwardian era or World War 1

What caused the reconstruction era to start?

The Reconstruction Era occurred right after the civil war. So the civil war caused the reconstruction era to begin.

What was the closest the US and the soviet union came to a nulcear war during the civil war era?

The Civil War Era? Never. I think you mean the cold war era. That would be the Cuban missle crisis in October 1962.

What war did the reconstruction era follow?

The Civil War

Give the epochs into which US History is divided?

US history is typically divided into the following epochs: Pre-Columbian era, Colonial era, Revolutionary era, Early Republic era, Civil War era, Reconstruction era, Gilded Age, Progressive era, World War era, Cold War era, Civil Rights era, and Modern era. Each of these epochs represents significant periods of change and development in American history.