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World War 1 was fought by Russia, the U.S., Canada, France, and Britain against Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary. The only one of these countries with a president was the U.S., with Woodrow Wilson. World War 2 was fought by the U.S., Britain, France, and Poland against Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union. Again, the only one of these countries with a president was the U.S., with Franklin Roosevelt.

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Q: The countries and presidents involved during 1st and 2nd world war?
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What presidents were involved during World War 1?

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What countries joined in World War 1 and 2?

There were over 100 countries involved in WW1 There were 57countries involved in WW2

What countries were at war during the 1940s?

The main countries involved in World War 2 (1939 - 1945) (there were a lot more countries involved, but these are the major ones): Germany, Russia, Britain, United States, France, Italy and Poland. The main countries involved in the Cold war (started roughly in the late 1940s): United States, USSR (Russia), Britain