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the one with the china i forgot to wright it my bad

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Q: The british attacked china in the opium war because?
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The British attacked China in Opium War because?

the one with the china i forgot to wright it my bad

What kind of problems did opium cause in china?

The opium war mainly began because of the British and China having an opium trade for tea. The British would get there tea if China got there opium. but the cause of the war was that china wouldn't accept opium anymore, and the british wern't okay with that.

Did the Chinese start a war because they didn't tell anybody how to make silk?

No. China did not start the Opium wars. The Opium wars were started by the British, who desperately wanted Chinese products, but were not able to get any because the Chinese people were not interested in British imports. Britain finally discovered Opium, and quickly got the Chinese population addicted. When the emperor of the time banned Opium, Britain attacked China, which launched the Opium wars.

Why were the British eager to end the ban on opium in China?

The British wanted to trade opium for China's resources.

Which best explains why the British were eager to end the ban on opium in China?

The British wanted to trade opium for China's resources.

What was the Hong Kong conflict when Britain handed it over to China?

The smuggle of a very addicting drug named Opium that was brought over to China from Britain's Indian colonies. When China banned this highly effective and addicting drug from China, the British attacked Chinese ports. There we seen it as the Opium War between China and Britain. Britain however won the war, but banned Opium.

What led to conflict between Great Britain and China in the mid-19th century?

Great Britain would not stop its merchants from selling opium in China.

Which of these best explains why the British were eager to end the ban on opium in China?

The British wanted to trade opium for China's resources.

What did the british gain from the opium war with china?

Hong Kong

What effect did opium have on china's economy?

The British introduced opium to the Chinese and got them addicted. By doing this the Chinese only spent money on the drug. Their economy basically crashed because of opium. Opium is basically heroin.

What affect did the drug opium have on the Chinese people?

- Britain traded Indian opium for Chinese tea - Chinese people became addicted to opium - China made it illegal ad asked British to stop trade - Britain said no - China loses opium war - Because Britain has modernized weapons

Why did the two opium wars start in China?

The Opium War started with the British East India company selling Opium in India, when the market for Opium in India ran out the British decided to trade with China. The British shipped Opium into Canton and then sold it to the Chinese merchants, selling it to the Chinese people. By the 1830's China had been flooded with tons of cheap Opium. In 1839 the Imperial Commissioner for Canton wanted to cut off all Opium trade with the British, his name was Lin Tse-hsu. Because the British used the money from the Opium to buy things such as tea and porcelain, which were all in great demand in Britain, the British were not happy. Despite China's warnings Britain sold the Opium illegally for a higher price. Meanwhile the British had began their renaissance because they were white they found some mexicans to help them build weirdass english houses and make tea cabinets China was distraught and beheaded all Britons in China, those who surrendered were forced to work farms in China, as you can imagine the British were not happy about this either. However the Chinese sent a small army of junks to Britain but the British already sent a small but powerful army of modern naval fleets. The two countries met in the middle of the ocean and that was how the war started. The British won and forced the Chinese to pay in silver, tea, porcelain and made them sign a treaty.