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it was the first real important battle of the Civil War. It finalized that South Carolina was part of the Confederacy

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Q: Significance of attack on fort Sumter?
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Why are lincoln's election and fort Sumter significance difficult when discussing the civil war?

they arnt the CSA split because Lincoln was elected and we went to war because the CSA attack Fort Sumter

In what year did the confederates attack fort Sumter?

Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in 1861.

When did the Fort Sumter attack?


When was the fort sumter attack?


When did the attack on Fort Sumter happen?


When was the confederate attack on Fort sumter?


How tall was fort Sumter before the attack?

Before the attack, Fort Sumter was approximately 50 feet tall. After the Civil War attack, it had lost 20 feet of its height.

Confederate attack on fort Sumter in what year?

The Battle of Fort Sumter ws April 12-13 1861

Significance of fort Sumter?

It was the first battle of the Civil War.

What State did the attack of Fort Sumter occur?

The Federal Fort Sumter was located in the Charleston Harbor of the State of South Carolina.

In what year did confederate attack fort sumter?


Who began the attack on Fort Sumter?

Confederate army