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Q: Should a country form military alliances with other nations?
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Why did some Americans support isolationism?

Isolationism was first stated as a goal for the United States by George Washington, who said that it should pursue "liberal intercourse with all nations." This was to prevent the young nation from loosing its newly found freedom. Since it was coined by Washington, there have been many answers to the reason for isolationism. Several reasons are: 1. protection of a country from foreign involvement or attacks 2. maintainence of a weak country which cannot afford foreign influence 3. prevention of dispute between trading partners 4. ability to expand the economy of the "isolated" country by remaining neutral in the wars of other countries, such as the U.S. at the begining of WWI. NOTE: Isolationism does not mean that a country remains completely isolated from other countries, but that it wishes to avoid entering treaties that will cause alliances or military agreements.

Does Argentina have a military?

Well if you have ever heard o fthe Falklands war then you should already know that they most certainly do. If not then ys as most nations all have a military whether big or small, powerfull or weak. The Argentinian military however is pretty well structured and can be quiet effective but obviously the true strength of their army depends on the soldiers themselfes and how good they are at their job.

How are militarism and industrialism linked?

Militarism is the belief that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively. Imperialism is an unequal human relationship such as an empire based on practices of dominance and militarism is the means to accomplish that control.

Should the military be given any significant political influence?

The military is neutral, they serve the elected commander in chief.

French President Charles de Gaulle attempted to return to France to the status of a world power by?

French President Charles DE Gaulle attempted to return France to the status of a world power by: A. investing B. entering a new series of alliances with African countries. C investing heavily in nuclear weapons. D. petitioning for financial aid from the United Nations. relief fund -.......Your answer should be C.

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Should women be prevented from entering the military in all league of nations member states?

There hasn't been a League of Nations for over 60 years, but no country should give up its national sovereignty to an international organization .

What limits should be placed on National Security?

protecting the people of the nation. The military protectst the nations "interests" while National Security is to protect the people and the well being of the country.

What is George Washington telling the American citizens about foreign countries?

America should not get involved in the affairs of Europe.

What are the three isms?

The three isms are: Militarism: The belief of having the best military. Imperialism: The belief of spreading your power to other nations. Nationalism: The belief that one country is the best and all should follow.

What is the belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided?

The belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided is known as isolationism. It involves a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other nations and focusing primarily on one's own country's interests without getting involved in international affairs or alliances.

Does the us follow George Washington's advice in farewell address?

He argues that the country should avoid permanent alliances with all foreign nations, although temporary alliances during times of extreme danger may be necessary. He states that current treaties should be honored but not extended.

Why should you honor our military heroes?

Because our military heroes died so that we can live in a country that offers us freedom.For doing extraordinary thingsBecause they protected our country.

Do I capitalize Military Services?

Yes, "Military Services" should be capitalized when referring to the armed forces of a country or any organization related to military activities.

What did President George Washington warn against in his Farewell Address in 1796?

Upon leaving the office of US president, President George Washington warned to nation to avoid foreign alliances. He was mainly referring to alliances with the European powers. It was belief that the US had little to gain by becoming involved in European wars. Forming alliances would undoubtedly led to wars, the US should avoid.

Should Canada be involved in conflicts?

That's an opinion type question that Canadians need to decide. Historically the Canadians have participated in various multi-national efforts & alliances, including NATO. These international efforts to cooperate with other nations in defense or economic issues have the risks of conflict. There is also the risk of conflict regardless of cooperation or alliances. Canada has been involved in the two world wars and the cold war as part of NATO. Canada has participated in peace-keeping operations in various parts of the world, and some of these involve conflict & danger to Canadian military & civilians. I don't think any country can really avoid conflicts over the long-term. History is full of examples of nations in conflict with others regardless of whether it was intended or not.

Why should military heroes be honored every day?

They should be honored for their great sacrifice to keep this country free.

What is a isolationist?

An isolationist is someone who believes their country should avoid alliances with other nations and focus on its own internal affairs. They typically advocate for limited involvement in international politics and military conflicts.