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Q: Set up Triple Alliance for German defense?
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What roles did the alliance system play?

The alliance system was created by Otto von Bismark and was first used in 1879 in the "Dual Alliance", the alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary. It inspired the Franco-Russian Alliance in 1892, which later led to the Entente Cordiale, a set of agreements between Britain and France in 1904, and the Anglo-Russian Entente that was an accord between Russia and Britain. All of these treaties led to the formation of the Triple Alliance(including Italy) in 1882, and the Triple Entente in 1907. -Sangel99

What powerful European leader began the formulation of the Triple Alliance?

Germany, under the leadership of Otto Van Bismarck, had won a stunning victory over France in the Franco-Prussian War. To deter France from seeking revenge, Bismarck pursued policies to isolate France and gain allies for Germany. Bismarck set into motion an alliance with Austria-Hungary, whose expansion into the Balkans conflicted with Russian policies. In 1879, Germany and Austria-Hungary joined in a defensive military alliance. Now, Italy was enraged at France, whose seizure of Tunisia in 1881 thwarted Italian military objectives. In 1882, Italy agreed to a defensive military alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary. This became known as the Triple Alliance.

How did the alliances help cause the World War I?

The alliances helped cause world war 1 because when Franz Ferdinand the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was assassinated along with his wife it caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia. This was what set off the alliances and all hell broke loose. Russia immediately jumped in to protect Serbia who they had an alliance with. Then Germany came in to protect Austria-Hungary and declared war first on Serbia but also on Russia and France. But to get to France it would need to go through Belgium and France and Britain declared war on Germany. The alliances were called the triple alliance and the triple entente. The triple alliance consisted of Germany, Austria and Italy. The triple entente included Britain, France and Russia.

Where are the comic books in marvel-ultimate-alliance?

There is not a set series of comics which the Marvel Ultimate Alliance is based on. Marvel Ultimate Alliance is set in a fictional Marvel Universe. It incorporates many alternate realities mentioned in comics as variants of the original Earth-61Q9 (which is reality)

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When did the bloods and crips form the alliance?

The Cip Alliance started in the 1960's & if a Crip set is not under the Crip Alliance then they're FAKE!. The Blood Alliance started in the 1970's & if a Blood set is not under the Blood Alliance then they're FAKE!. SIDE NOTES: Real Bloods are NOT under the U.B.N.(United Blood Nation), neither are they under the People Nation, real Bloods are under the Blood Alliance. Real Crips are NOT under the U.C.N.(United Crip Nation), neither are they under the Folk Nation, real Crips are under the Crip Alliance.

What is triple entente 1907?

An Entente is a kind of alliance that is an agreement not to attack each other. The Triple Entente was made up of France, Britain and Russia. The Entente Powers fought the Central Powers during World War I.

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The Elm Street Pirus are are Piru set, under the Blood Alliance.

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No. This card cannot be Set, or Summoned in or changed to Defense Position.

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