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40 acres and a mule was a practice in 1865 of providing arable land to African American former slaves who became free as Union armies occupied areas of the Confederacy. Unfortunately, after Lincoln was assassinated, his successor did not honor the grant. This made it a symbol of failure to ackowledge the equality of former slaves.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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βˆ™ 14y ago

In 1864 General Sherman captured Atlanta, Georgia. Then, he led his army on the March to the Sea. On the march from Atlanta to Savannah, a great many slaves ran away from their masters and followed Sherman's army. This was a real problem for Sherman. When he left Atlanta, he had torn up the railroad behind him, intending to feed his thousands of soldiers with food plundered from the farms of Georgia. The thousands of slaves following his army were that many additional mouths to feed, and there were a large proportion of women and children among them. None of these people were doing anything to add to the efficiency of Sherman's force, rather, they were a severe impediment to Sherman getting done what he needed to do.

When Sherman reached Savannah he found that the white plantation owners of the Sea Islands on the Georgia coast had abandoned their homes and plantations as he drew near. Without any law authorizing him to do so, Sherman took this land and divided it up among the thousands of slaves who had been following his army. Sherman was getting ready to lead his army northward, into the Carolinas, and did not want the thousands of slaves trailing along behind, needing to be fed.

All this dividing of the Sea Island plantations, and the giving of mules to these former slaves (mules taken from Georgia farms) was all done outside the law. After the war, quite a few of the plantation owners went to court to eject these former slaves from their land. The land deeds at the courthouse showed the plantation owners still to be the owners of the land. They had not sold the land, and no court proceeding had been done to take their land. There was no law authorizing what Sherman had done.

But these few years when these former Georgia slaves had been allowed "forty acres and a mule" gave rise to the persistent myth that it was a policy of the US government to give each former slave these things. There never was any such policy, what was done was Sherman acting locally, to relieve his army of the thousands of dependents it had acquired unwillingly.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

In Texas history that all freed African Americans would receive this to get on their feet. Instead the used the contract, meaning you would lease and farm land from someone and the land owner would receive a share of the crop. Essentially.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

During the end of the civil war freed slaves were given 40 acres of confiscated land and a mule. however once Andrew Jackson became president the land was given back to the ex confederates

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βˆ™ 15y ago

40 acers and a mule is what slaves received after the civil war, along with their freedom. 40 acers being massive pieces of land and a mule being a horse like animal.

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