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Fun Time America! Is the correct answer. Fun Time America is located somewhere in the world where i don't remember. Thanks!

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Q: List allied powers during world war 2?
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List the allied powers during World War 1 in Europe?

In the sense of WW2, there were none

What part of countries were part of allied powers?

Canada,us,Great Britain,India,Poland,etc. that's only some of the countrys who were part of the allied powersADDED: If the question refers to the Allied Powers of World War II then the above list barely begins to scratch the surface of the complete list of ALL nations that were allied against the Axis powers. The list is too lengthy to compile and list individually here.(as well as making it much too easy to cut and paste the answer to place it into someone's homework)For more informatiion and a complete listing see the below link:

What resulted from the Allied powers' discovery of the atrocities committed against the Jewish population during the Holocaust?

The Allied powers encouraged the formation of the State of Israel.

What countries belonged to allied powers in World War 1?

In World War 1 the main Allied powers were France, England, Russia, Italy, and later in the war, the United States. The list also includes soldiers from colonies of these countries. In World War 2 the main Allied Powers were the United States, England (and its colonial forces), France (primarily exiled forces and resistance fronts), Australia, and Canada. There are several other countries which became occupied by the axis powers who fought in the beginning, but these are the heavy weights.

Which side did Bulgaria fight for in world war 2?

Greece was part of the Allied Powers. Here is a list of the Allied Powers and the Central Powers: Allied Powers: -France -Great Britain -Greece -Italy -Romania -Russia -Serbia -United States of America Central Powers: -Austria-Hungary -Germany -Bulgaria -Ottoman Empire (Turkey)

Related questions

List the allied powers during World War 1 in Europe?

In the sense of WW2, there were none

List the main allied powers for world war 1?

France, Russia, Serbia, Britain, and later the U.S.

What were part of the allied powers?

Canada,us,Great Britain,India,Poland,etc. that's only some of the countrys who were part of the allied powersADDED: If the question refers to the Allied Powers of World War II then the above list barely begins to scratch the surface of the complete list of ALL nations that were allied against the Axis powers. The list is too lengthy to compile and list individually here.(as well as making it much too easy to cut and paste the answer to place it into someone's homework)For more informatiion and a complete listing see the below link:

What part of countries were part of allied powers?

Canada,us,Great Britain,India,Poland,etc. that's only some of the countrys who were part of the allied powersADDED: If the question refers to the Allied Powers of World War II then the above list barely begins to scratch the surface of the complete list of ALL nations that were allied against the Axis powers. The list is too lengthy to compile and list individually here.(as well as making it much too easy to cut and paste the answer to place it into someone's homework)For more informatiion and a complete listing see the below link:

What resulted from the Allied powers' discovery of the atrocities committed against the Jewish population during the Holocaust?

The Allied powers encouraged the formation of the State of Israel.

What countries belonged to allied powers in World War 1?

In World War 1 the main Allied powers were France, England, Russia, Italy, and later in the war, the United States. The list also includes soldiers from colonies of these countries. In World War 2 the main Allied Powers were the United States, England (and its colonial forces), France (primarily exiled forces and resistance fronts), Australia, and Canada. There are several other countries which became occupied by the axis powers who fought in the beginning, but these are the heavy weights.

What countries were part of the allied powers?

WW1Serbia, Poland, Australia*, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Russia, United States, Italy, Poland, Greece, India*, Japan, Montenegro, New Zealand*, Portugal, Romania, South Africa** Countries were not independent at the time of World War 1, but were instead part of the British Empire and were given no option to join the cause or not.WW2U.S., Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia

List casualties of the central powers during ww1?

Austria-Hungary, Germany, and sort of Spain

What are the major countries that made up the allied powers?

In World War Two the "Allied" Powers fought and defeated the "Axis" powers. The major powers that led the "Allies" were France (later called the Free French), Great Britain (& Commonwealth nations), China, United States, and the Soviet Union. There were dozens of other Allied Powers that played various roles, such as Poland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Yugoslavia, and Greece. The major "Axis" Powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan. I would add Vichy France to the list of major powers opposing the Allies. Also the Soviet Union helped the Axis from 1939 until 22 June 1941 when it was attacked by Germany & other minor Axis powers.

Who was on Hitler's list?

Allied force

Why cant you get to see the list of allies?

You must be looking in the wrong place. The list of Allied powers was never a secret. - Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Rhodesia, South Africa, Brazil, France, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Poland, and Czeckoslovakia

Which side did Bulgaria fight for in world war 2?

Greece was part of the Allied Powers. Here is a list of the Allied Powers and the Central Powers: Allied Powers: -France -Great Britain -Greece -Italy -Romania -Russia -Serbia -United States of America Central Powers: -Austria-Hungary -Germany -Bulgaria -Ottoman Empire (Turkey)