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Q: Is war a solution
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Is war a solution to terror?

War causes terror, so how can war be a solution to terror?

Is war a solution in Korea?

i dont think war is a solution in any case

What was the solution to the American Civil War?

The solution to ANY war is for one side to win it and one side to lose it. In that civil war, the South lost, which unfortunately proved to be the solution.

Is war a solution of every problem?

yes :)

What is the solution in the book Night?

America enters the war.

What was the solution for the anti Vietnam war movement?

The anti-war movement fizzled out with the draft in about 1973.

What is final solution in World War 2?

The Final Solution was the German plan to exterminate all of Europe's Jews.

How did World War 2 effect the final solution?

Actually no way _____________ the Final Solution would not have existed were it not for WWII

Is war the solution of peace?

War is not the solution for peace. Peace can be achieved through diplomacy, communication, and mutual understanding. Resorting to war often leads to destruction and loss of life, making it counterproductive to the goal of establishing lasting peace.

What was the solution for world war 2 to end?

the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki

What president suggested that the solution to the Vietnam War was to pave it?

Ronald Reagen

Did vietnamization provide a solution to the quagmire of the war?

Certainly, it got the US out.