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Yes, Washington D.C.

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Q: Is there a list of world war 2 memorials with names on?
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Related questions

Is there a list of names receiving Bronze Star in World War 2?

No such list exists.

How are World War 1 memorials useful to historians?

they're not

How tall is the world war memorial?

There are many World War 2 Memorials. Please be more specific.

How are soldiers remembered in Germany?

There are war memorials for the fallen German soldiers of both World Wars all over Germany. Most of them are in the form of a large iron cross with the names of the dead printed on them. Other war memorials such as the Soviet victory memorial in Berlin can be found in Germany as well.

What are the names of fallen canadien soldiers that fought in World War 2?

If you need specific names you can contact the Royal Armed Forces records place or see if one of the memorials in Canada has the names listed. See links below.

How tall is the World War 2 Memorial?

There are many World War 2 Memorials. Please be more specific.

The aftermath of pearl harbor after World War 2?

Rebuilding and memorials.

How do Germans remember past conflict of world war 1?


When was War Memorials Trust created?

War Memorials Trust was created in 1997.

Who in the president's cabinet handles war memorials?

Secertary of commity and war

How are first world war soldiers remembered today?

The soldiers from the first world war are remembered today by remembrance day. which takes place every year and there is a minutes silence. Also war memorials are around in most cities, with the soldiers names and the year the were born and died on it.

Who was the designer of world war 2 memorial?

There are MANY World War 2 memorials. An answer cannot be given unless YOU state which one you are asking about.