No because he died without any childrean, but his half brother probably had kids and they are alive but thank God they aren't like Hitler.
Well Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, killed themselves but the other relatives of Hitler changed their names and still live in Germany.
No. Hitlers wife did not shoot herself she took a cyanide pill.
i believe that it was adolf's father that was married twice not adolf though, Hitler was only married once to his long time mistress Eva braun a day befopre they both committed suicide together- he shot himself and she took a cyanide pill, some suggested he married his cousin and his neice but that was just gross! some also said that he was having a affair with his neice and because of that she killed herself, but nothing has ever been proven.
Eva Braun was a supporter of Hitlers actions
She committed suicide with Hitler on 30 April 1945.
adolf hitlers wife whilst having a jobby on with sadam hussain
Well Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, killed themselves but the other relatives of Hitler changed their names and still live in Germany.
Eva Anna Paula Hitler, (Née Braun). Properly addressed as "Frau Hitler."
No, Hitler never had any children.
Elvis's ex wife Priscilla is still alive :)
She is not.
She is still living.
Yes, Jerry Spinelli is still alive
he didn't have another wife