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Never, they never had the capability to do that.

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Q: In which year did Iraq bomb America?
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What are examples of negative sanction?

America-Cuba, America-Japan, America-Iraq.

What does Iraq Iran and Syria do?

they throw bomb to other country

What art and craft work is Iraq know for?

bomb making

How did the US attack Iraq?

we just sarted to bomb the mess out of them

When did pres Bush bomb Iraq?

march 13th 2003

What are the release dates for After Iraq US Bomb Disarmer Searches for Peace - 2012?

After Iraq US Bomb Disarmer Searches for Peace - 2012 was released on: USA: 6 September 2012 (internet)

How far is Iraq from Alabama?

Too far,Iraq is in Asia while Alabama is in North America,in America,its a state in America!

What countries did the US and other countries recently bomb?

Afghanistan and Iraq.

Who reached America in 1942?

Lots of people, but of a historical importance, the Japanese did bomb Pearl Harbor that year.