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The Falklands War started on 2 April 1982 with the Argentine invasion and occupation of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia, and ended with the Argentine surrender on 14 June 1982. Neither Country declared a state of war.

The Argentinians have, over many years claimed sovereignty to the Falklands Islands (

which they call the Malvinas)

Just because it's nearer to Argentina than Great Britain (the Canary Islands are nearer

to Africa than Spain, but its Spanish territory)

Now that oil has been found Argentina wants the Islands, (the Falkland Islanders

wish to remain British)

Argentina had the choice to share the Oil Fields but opted out of the deal.

Basically it's the oil surrounding the Islands that interest both Argentina and

Great Britain, but as long as the Islanders wish to remain British then that is

what it will be.

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Q: In what year did Argentina go to war with Britain?
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