They couldn't fight the Germans back because they didn't have enough weapons to fight back to the Germans and when a shipped tried to get weapons or leave the Germans would torpedo it.
The significance was large numbers of Allied troops back in Europe. This was important to fight the Germans on the land.
The Germans invaded Russia, and were headed for Moscow, Russia and a few other places. The people and leaders of Russia did not want to be ruled by Germany, so they fought back.
The Germans and Italians pushed the British Army back to the Egyptian border near El Alamein where the British were able to build up their supplies. The Germans were unable to go south into the desert and outflank the British because the Qattara Depression prevented any access.
The Canadians took 7 miles of land which the germans soon won back there was no real gain in the end Germans won by taking a total of 1000 yards
Back then Turkey was known as the Ottoman Empire, and it allied with the Germans.
Some did, there were many attempts on his life by Germans.
Off the back of a wagon
they didnt have to fight. unless of conscription..
Lennie didn't fight back at first because he was to frightened to defend himself.
Hitler actually had some type of disease that could have been qured these days but they didnt have the medicene back then
What it meant to be an american back than was that you had to fight for your rights and freedom and if you didnt you were not a true american.
What it meant to be an american back than was that you had to fight for your rights and freedom and if you didnt you were not a true american.
Due to their culture, they were told not to fight back. There is something in the Testament where Jesus resided that said "Love your Enimies" therefore, the Jewish are very civil.
It didnt endure anything and did fight back instantly
The significance was large numbers of Allied troops back in Europe. This was important to fight the Germans on the land.
The Germans invaded Russia, and were headed for Moscow, Russia and a few other places. The people and leaders of Russia did not want to be ruled by Germany, so they fought back.
The blitz generally didnt have a big impact. The Germans wanted to bomb England and they did, but they wanted us to back down, but we never did. They also wanted us to stop having food coming from other countries. We did still manage to get food and in the end make the Germans back down.