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During the First Red Scare the raids on suspected political radicals were known as Palmer Raids, named after US Attorney General Alexander Palmer, who ordered the US Justice Department to conduct the raids.

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Q: In the Red Scare what were the raids called?
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The Palmer Raids occurred because of what?

the Red Scare.

What name was given to the raids during the 1920s in which police arrested thousands of suspected radicals?

the red scare raids

Who was attorney general during the Red Scare?

Mitchel Palmer, who started the Palmer Raids.

What was the purpose of th palmer raids?

to arrest people who were thought to be radicals

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The Palmer Raids (1919-1920) involved mass arrests and deportation of suspected communists and radicals at the height of the post-World War I era red scare.

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What name was given to the raids during the 1920's in which police arrested thousands of suspected radicals?

The raids were named the "Palmer Raids," after the U.S. Attorney General at the time, A. Mitchell Palmer. Conducted under the leadership of Palmer, these raids targeted individuals suspected of being involved in communist or anarchist activities during the Red Scare of the 1920s.

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The Crucible was not written during the Red Scare, but later on in response to the brutality of the Red Scare.

What was the label for the postwar period when many Americans feared a bolshevik revolution?

They called that period the Red Scare. There was a second red scare in the 1950s.