

How war disrupts normal lives?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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war can cause family casualties, also after World War 2 Louie Zamperini ( a POW hostage ) went through alchohal adiction and a scared and terrible life until he started praticing religion. around 85% of POWS from world war 2 have mental issues

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Q: How war disrupts normal lives?
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What are the advantages of fighting a limited war?

{| |- | The devastation is less complete. Property and lives are able to be saved. This tends to make it easier to get things back to normal afterwards. |}

What is business as usual in world war one?

Business as usual was the term used by the government and business owners in ww1. It meant that the british population thought, whilst the war was happening, that life and work would progress as normal and their lives wouldn't be affected much Business as usual was the term used by the government and business owners in ww1. It meant that the british population thought, whilst the war was happening, that life and work would progress as normal and their lives wouldn't be affected much. But later on in the war the government and the people soon found out that their lives were being affected and the food supply was at an all time low and soon rationing was soon introduced

What did soldiers do for therapy after the civil war?

Most of them didn't receive what is today's therapy. Most went home and tried to live their lives as normal as possible. If they were 'sane' which was determined by government if they could find them.

What did they do in World War 2?

During World War II, most people lived perfectly normal lives, going to work, coming home to their families, having meals together, much of it was similar to the events that take place in our daily lives today, but without television or the internet. Some people chose to participate in the war, they were called "soldiers" and when they weren't fighting, they also did many of the things we do today (also without television or internet).

Did civilians and soldiers suffer equally in World War 2?

Civilians outside of battle zones were reasonably safe, and although they were having difficulty obtaining rationed goods they lived almost normal lives. Soldiers received priority on clothing and food, but those in combat areas were in constant fear for their lives and their safety. Civilians in close contact with the war zones were not intentional targets, but bombs and artillery are indiscriminate.

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Type your answer here... Nothing. A war over territory like the Russo-Japanese War never brings peace, it just disrupts it.

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{| |- | The devastation is less complete. Property and lives are able to be saved. This tends to make it easier to get things back to normal afterwards. |}

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