This is a privately minted item. There are different varieties available. If yours displays wording like "1 ounce .999 fine silver" then it's currently worth about $12.00 -- if it does not have this wording, then it has a novelty item value of a couple dollars.
$4.99 at most
15 Thousand dollars
15 thousand
Dwight David Eisenhower was on the US dollar coin from 1971-1978 Circulation versions of the coin were made of copper-nickel so they're only worth $1 unless the coin is in an original mint set. Special versions were struck in 40% silver and these can be worth on average $4 or $5 depending on variety.
How much is the 1943 coin is worth
$4.99 at most
15 Thousand dollars
15 thousand
I'll give you $20 for them
I have some too and I am sorry to say they are worth $5. You can find them on E-Bay and other locations for just face value. :(
The 1991 $20 Desert Storm pieces from the New Queensland Mint have no numismatic value. Also they are not legal tender in the U.S. As for value, do a google search.
It is a coin worth one dollar.
the worth value of the liberty dollar coin is worth 50cents.
The bicentennial dollar coin is still worth one dollar.
August 19, 2009 It is worth $14.00 today.
What you presumably have is a James Buchanan presidential dollar coin. It was minted in 2010 and is worth one dollar.
The bicentennial dollar coin is still worth one dollar.